Thursday, August 31, 2006
I wanted to update you all on a couple of things and some new prayer requests.
First, I had received some wrong information at first - or rather some information that I'm not sure of yet that we still need to pray for. I'm still not sure that my cousin Alan has given his life to the Lord yet. PTL though, we have had some good discussions. Some where I have wished that I had listened better in Apologetics, etc, classes. :) But the Lord is helping me.
The rest of the family is just "hanging" in there - one day at a time. It is so hard. It is the hardest thing I've ever been this closely involved in.
My health has done wonderful though. Another Praise. My new doctor group is called "HOPE" neurology. Imagine that! And that's what she has given me. I may not get these totally under control, but manageable. But it all worked out just in time for me to come down here.
My Aunt and Uncle's health is poor. They are going to the doctor today. So, that is another prayer.
Most of all Pray that this family will feel the Hand of God in a mighty, mighty way; that His hands surround them; and most of all that HOPE surrounds them, because they feel none of this right now. They are believers, but it's still hard.
Thank you all over and over again for your thoughts and prayers,
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Pray for my family
What to pray for:
1. Kim's family in the loss of their daughter, granddaughter, niece and cousin.
2. Pray Kim would have discernment of what to say especially to her cousin, Alan who just gave his life to the Lord on Sunday night. Pray she would have words of encouragement and a listening ear.
3. Pray Kim would listen to her body and rest when she needs to rest so she does not have an episode.
4. Pray for their travel down to Atlanta and back.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Race for The Cure
Please note all donations to Komen Knoxville Race for the Cure® are tax deductible and you will automatically receive an electronic gift acknowledgment once your donation has been processed.
For additional information about the Knoxville Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation or if you too would like to register as a participant in this year's race, please visit
You can also visit my personal fundraising page by clicking on the title Race for The Cure at the top.
Also you can join us by walking in the race!
Much Love,

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Kim says hello!
Kim would like to say hello to everyone out there. Right now she is in the hospital again. This is the second time in two months. After her first cyber knife she had some unexplained tremors/movements and the doctors didn't know why. Well she has had these "episodes" a few times and each time is hospitalized for about a week. Well this last time she was sent to a new doctor, who she loves, and is hard at work trying to find a medicine that will stop them. The doctor said the "episodes" are called Muscle Disorder Movements (we'll call it MDM for short). These movements were caused during the first cyber knife - some nerve was hit or something that causes them. (ok that's not the medical lingo but I'm trying!) These movements can be brought on by stress and headaches.
Well after being in the hospital since Thursday the doctor gives Kim hope that MDM can be controlled which is great news! Kim is thrilled that she will be able to overcome this and it won't interfere with daily living. The doctor has been trying out some new medicines on her to see which one works. One of them gives her energy. This is good because Kim seems to running short on that lately. But once she leaves the hospital she will need to stay with someone or someone stay with her for two weeks. She will also not be allowed to drive for quite sometime.
After talking to Kim tonight on the phone she is sounding positive. She is excited that with medicine she will be able to overcome MDM.
Things to pray for:
1. Kim has many questions for the doctor about the medicine, can diet help with MDM, are there other things she can do to help her cope, etc. So pray she gets a clear response from the doctor. Also if there are other questions pray she asks them.
2. Pray the doctor finds the right medicine and can get it regulated so the movements stop.
3. Pray for Kim as she has to stay with someone for two weeks. Also pray as she will have to rely on others for transportation. This is very frustrating when you are used to going, going, going!
4. Pray Kim would continued to be encouraged. The news she got is wonderful in that it is not more cancer! PTL! But continual doctor's visits can be weighing at times. Pray her times in The Word are refreshing and uplifting.
Sometimes we are at a loss for words to pray. Thank our Savior He is interceding for us on our behalf! Also when those times come praying God's Word gives us those word's. Here are a few you can start with: