Wednesday, May 30, 2007

God Loves Even Me

Hi everyone! I'm in Atlanta visiting family right now, which is Memorial Day. I'll be here for at least a week. I'm just happy to be outside of Knoxville for a change; or happy to be outside my house. I really want to go overseas, but since I can't drive or fly , I guess I'll take a boat. Anybody know of a boat I can borrow. If anybody knows me, they know that I will find a way.

So far so good on the doctors visits. I have gained 2 pounds - yeah!!! The medicine they gave me to have an appetite though taste awful! I had to take it back to the pharmacy and have them add flavor to it. It's a liquid. I was standing in line with the little kids to get my medicine flavored. Well, now I can swallow it without spitting it back out - I don't know how that would help anything. I started my 3rd or 4th round of chemo this past Saturday the 26th, so 2 more weeks again. My oncologist said we would schedule scans the next visit. But I don't want to think about that -- we will just pray about it instead. I have gone to the Cheesecake Factory to eat since I've been here. Oh my! It was very good. Well, I have to gain weight!

Some friends of mine in Knoxville and I are going to the beach June 16 - 23. I'm very excited. I haven't had a real vacation in a long time. Please pray I will stay healthy enough to go and healthy while I am there to enjoy myself. Pray for our safety as we travel as well.

To be where I am today is a miracle. I've got to enjoy each day while I can. He has blessed me so much. This October I will have hit my 5 year mark. I was diagnosed Oct. 10, 2002. At the time I had a 30% chance of making it 5 years. It's not all gone, but almost. We must pray that these next scans will show nothing there at all. I don't know why, but God me enough to keep me here a little longer. I wrote a little poem and felt God wanted me to share it with you all. It may not be a good poem; you may not like it; but maybe something in it will speak to you. If the Lord wanted me to share it, then maybe He has something to say to someone through it.

God Loves Even Me
God's love is sufficient
God's love is free
God's love extends to even me.
Love is patient
Love is kind
God's love is like
One you will never find
By searching here on earth
Only in your heart
Is where God's love starts
God's love never fails
He hugs you when you're
at your end
He holds on to you through
thick and thin
He'll see you through
every snare
You can be sure God
always will be there.
Trust Him with all you heart
He knows where you are going.
Live for Him everyday in everyway.
Share His love
for all to see
The love Jesus has
for you and even me.

Thank you all for reading my blog.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement more than anything.

Kim Wilson
"(Love) . . . bears all things, believes, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Father's Touch

Hello to everyone and thank you for praying!!
We are going to pray this cancer out of my body!!

Well, how did that picture get in there??? I just don't know. BMW goes around the country each year and let's people test drive their cars; about 18 or 19 of them, and for every mile you test drive, they donate a dollar to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. I still can't drive, but a friend took me down there. I was just pretending I drove it.

This month has not been that exciting. Not in the hospital getting fluids every other day or anything like that.

I did find out that both of my neices baby's are good and healthy! Praise the Lord. I'm going to be a Great Aunt again, and again, and again, and again. Yes, I think that's right. One neice (Heather) has 2 with 1 on the way and the other neice (Holly) has her first one on the way. I was born late in the family!

Everything else seems to be going good. My dog is driving me crazy. No one told me that rat terriors are the wildest dogs made! I think she can jump 10 feet high some times. Well, that may be a little exacuration, but almost. And her toe nails -- oh my -- sharp as a stick pin. I ask the vet if they could cut them back anymore, as I stand there with scratches all over my body, and he said no, that's just how rat terriors toe nails are. Great! I said, wonderful. What else do I not know about rat terriors -- well, rat terrior/beagle mix. But then I just love her and laugh at her and she just loves me unconditionally. If I'm not feeling good, she wants to lay right there beside me or on me. She'll go outside and come straight back in to where I am. And she loves it outside. She will run from one side to the other, as fast as she can; and every once and a while she'll bark up in the air -- like this is my territory!! The other day, I kept hearing this beautiful chirping from some birds near my bedroom window. So, I slowly open the curtain so as to not scare them away; and it was redheaded woodpeckers. But they were pecking (every now and then) but just snging so pretty. Then I looked down and there was my dog (Bella) (that is her name, so if I refer to Bella or tell Bella stories, that's who I'm talking about) But she was looking up at those birds so intently. Now, I'm pretty it was because she wanted to eat them and they were too high and not because of the pretty singing. But I don't know - she's so smart. :)

I don't go to the doctor for another couple of weeks, so I'm just taking my chemo by mouth now and all this other medicine. He gave me something to increase my appetite. I didn't think I would ever need anything like that. After radiation I just started losing and I'm way down.

I want to come to New Orleans and visit so bad -- it may be a possibility soon - who knows??

I want to leave you with a poem that came to me one night. I go through stages of discouragement and times of happiness. I hope people see more happieness in me. But some people say they are glad that I get down, so they don't feel bad when they get down. But anyway, the LORD just spoke to me and I wrote it down. I wanted to share it with you:


LORD, you have taught me so much.
I cannot imagine You, my Lord and Savior
would use your time to give me a touch.

A touch that could heal me or
A touch that might not heal me, if you wish.

Not that's what I want. I want your will for me.
Now I see, I was so blind and busy to see
But all I want now is Your will to see.

It's not my will that You seek and died on the cross for;
It's Your will and Your will alone that I adore.

You adore it when You see us praying and reading Your Word
You adore it when you hear us singing ;
And especially adore it when one of Your lost falls to their knees
and cries LORD,LORD save me.

I may not understand why this is happening to me,
But I know You are holding my hand.
I may not understand why this is happening to me,
But I know You hold me when I cry.
I may not understand, but Father, You have taught me
To feel Your touch.

Father, I know this is not about me, but about the lost,
I'm just a vessel, not worthy of the assignment,
But if I had to d it all over again, just to feel My Father'Touch again;

Kim Wilson

Please continue to pray for complete healing.
Pray I can be a witness to the lost wherever I go
Pray that whatever I do reflects the Father
Pray that I can be still and listen and Pray that for yourselves as well

Thank you all again for your encouragement,

support, and especially prayers.

I'll see if I can get a picture of Bella in here. :) I don't know if you can see it or not, but this is my friend Eddie trying to get a Santa's hat on her. It didn't work.

The next pictures are ones I took recently out in my yard here. It was so pretty that day. The LORD makes such beautiful things, if we will just look.

I can't get them all to show up. If I figure it out, I'll send more. :)