I want to thank everyone sooo much for the outpouring of cards for my Birthday and Thanksgiving. Everyone was wonderful! and made me feel so special. Your words really lifted me up. I'm still in the process of writing thank you notes, so don't think I've forgotten you. I have to write thank you notes ~ for one thing it is the proper Southern thing to do and , secondly, it gives me something to do. :) But really, I just wanted to thank you for thinking of me in the way you did and saying the special things you did. I do want to know something though -- was Vanee holding the NOBTS people hostage in the cafeteria or something??? :)
Well, so far so good on the doctor''s reports. No cancer cells found in the spinal fluid. Yeah! Praise The Lord!. Then, I went to the eye doctor this past Friday and he saw no damage to either eye - so another Yeah!! He just had to adjust my reading glasses prescription a little. He was expecting some damage, but he saw none, so Praise The Lord again! I guess just normal getting old changes. I never thought I would be excited about getting old and having normal changes - wrinkles, etc.... :) I hope I get to experience all of them.
Since my Birthday, Nov. 12, I've not had an appetite and we can't seem to figure out why. I finally went to the doctor last week and found out that I was dehydrated, so they gave me some IV fluids for a few hours and sent me home. I'm still trying to eat. It's getting better, but not great. We think it is all the medicine I am taking for the movement disorder I have now from the tumor I had on my cerabellam (or something like that). Anyway, pray that I will want to start eating again. They all try to scare me into eating and it scares me, but I still don't have an appetite. I want to have one.
My next scans are sceduled for Friday Jan., 5 at 11:30 a.m. They are of the Brain and Thorasic and Lumbar Spine. I will then see my doctor's for the results on Wednesday, January 10 at 1:15 and 2:00. So, please be praying for these. That they will find nothing growing in any of these places or anywhere in my body. Pray that God will just touch my body and kill any cancer cells that may be floating around in my body that we can't see right now. Plus, pray that He will give me my strength and appetite back as well.
After that, I will start oral Chemo again. It's not supposed to be that bad. I'm not for sure for how long. I don't know for very long. So, it shouldn't be that bad. I'll let everyone know.
I've been receiving some beautiful birthday, Thanksgiving, encouragements, and now Christmas Cards. All of them have sayings in them that I have heard over and over again all my life. I don't know if everyone who reads my blog knows that my "word" for this time around is "BELIEVE". But, one of the cards I was reading said "Faith is not simply believing that God can. It is knowing that He will." That really hit me for some reason. I have to truly know and believe. I have faith that He can and believe that He can, but do I know that He can?
Pray for my spirit, appetite, and strength this week.
Pray for my friend Tracey - she is having her surgery Tuesday
For opportunity to share with others
Thank all of you again very much for your encouragement and support through all of this. I'll try to stay in touch better. - Oh I have included some pics of some RadTechs that I promised them back in October. :)
KP Matthew 19:26

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