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It seems lately that a lot of people have been asking about "my story". My story of when I was diagnosed, how I felt, what I went through, etc.. I'm assuming that is what they are wanting.
I started writing "my story" four years ago Oct. 10, 2002. I stopped it when I went back to Singapore because, for one I thought "my story" of having cancer was over and if it wasn't, I did not want to continue it. But, it looks like I need to finish my story and keep on going. God has really been laying that on my heart. He has been laying scripture after scripture on my heart about this (Lloyd would be proud) one thing -- to be still and to know Him and to most of all "BELIEVE" - my "word" since I've been back. I'm trying the be still part, that's always been a hard one for me. But to me what I'm sensing from God right now is being still and knowing His plan - and that His plan is best; not MY plan. That maybe MY plan needs to change and I should go with His. Sometimes I'm a little hard headed. His plan is always best. We may not see that here and now, but we will one day. We just have to trust and believe. So, that is what I am working on and trying to finish - "My Story". I've even had a local anchor man to ask about interviewing me on television. I was interviewed at the end of the RACE FOR THE CURE and every time they would show the news this past weekend, they would show a snip-it of that interview with Kim Wilson. It was funny. You might be able to get on to www.wbir.com and click on "running with robbin" or something like that - anyway, on that she interviews my cousin. It is kind of far along in the run, so you can run it up, but she shows my team shirt and talks about me and my story again. It's crackin me up.
Okay, prayer requests, because I'm getting very sleepy and need to get some rest tonight:
1. Allowing God to speak through me. Let me get out of the way -- through all this "story" stuff, because it is all about Him.
2. I'm having another lumbar puncture procedure done Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. - pray those results come back negative again.
3. That no news is good news - I haven't heard anything from the CT of the abdomen, chest, and pelvis from last week -- but I will get the results tomorrow, so pray they are negative as well.
4. My friend Wendy is having another test done tomorrow, she may have to have some spots biopsied on her liver that look suspicious.
5. Praise: My Mom has been getting out more - shopping, of course, what all women do. And she looks and feels better.
6. Praise: My cousin in Atlanta and I have been getting closer - it's been good, but continue to pray for that situation.
Thank you all again for your support, encouragement, cards, scripture, just everything - you really don't know how much it means to me. It's like I said in my interview: "When you are running the breast cancer race, you are really running it alone. And you never feel it more than when it comes to the end of the race and they split the line up - survivors this way! they yell out -- and you have to leave your team and go down that line by yourself, but you look on either side of you and you see your team and all these others that you don't even know, cheering you on, and then you know that your not alone anymore, they are still right there beside you cheering you on -- But most of all, we know God is right there beside us walking with us; carrying us; or whatever we need to make it across."
Love you all
Kim Possible
Matt: 19:26

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