We had the Race for the Cure Team Award Party this past Saturday, Oct. 21. You know, the same day that Tennessee beat Alabama?!! Remember that?? :) Anyway, I thought I would update you all on the outcome of the Party since I'm sure everyone already knows the outcome of the game.
First of all, Kim's Krusaders won 1st Place for the largest team in the church category!! Yeah!! with 113 members, plus - some are still signing up, but they don't go toward the team number anymore. So, that is 1st place for 2 years in a row now. Yeah again!!
Second, I won the New Balance Tennis Shoe Breast Cancer Survivor of the Year Award. Yeah! What all that means, I'm not really for sure, but Yeah again!
The MC for the Party was sitting at our table - it was me and all my nieces and niece-in-law. We were giving him a hard time; joking around with him, etc. like a table full of women would do - it was fun. He is a local anchor man here. When I received my award, we were all smiling and happy, then He gets up there and starts talking about how he couldn't believe I was fighting cancer and how we were all laughing, etc... He was the one that got us all crying.
We didn't win t-shirt design, but we thought - I guess they thought they couldn't let us win everything!! But we think we have the best. Those who donated will be receiving a Kim's Krusaders shirt. And no they are not pink - but they are Orange!! :) Beautiful!
Some prayer requests:
1. They have found some new lesions on my spine. I had my first of 14 treatments of the spine this past Friday. So, I have 13 more to go. They are radiating the brain and then just moving down and radiating the spine. So, I don't have to come back or add more days - actually it adds maybe 2 or 3 is all. They are radiating from L2 to S3. I just added that in just in case anyone knew that area. But pray for complete healing in that area, as well as the whole spine. I think I'm going to pour some vegetable oil down it so these so called "little" lesions will stop sticking. But seriosly, they are finding them early and the doctors believe they can get them with no problem and that they will stay gone for a good long while. I asked my Radiation Oncologist to not tell me numbers, so that's why he said "a good long while". I like that better. :)
2. My step-father has bronchitis and is the main caretaker of my mother. Pray for quick healing there. It is really bothering them both that they cannot come over and help right now.
3. One of my best friends - Wendy - her mother-in-law has been diagnosed with ALS and is not doing well. It has hit the family hard. Wendy is very stressed and having health issues herself. I'm worried about her. Pray for something to be resolved there.
4. I'm working on my "Story" - pray I can convey what God wants me to say in an article, in a book, in interviews, etc... I started my "story" 4 years ago and have been adding to it, more than I wanted to, but that's what God wanted, so pray that God will guide my words, actions, and thoughts, during this time - I, we never know who is watching and what kind of impact we are having.
5. My family in Atlanta where my cousin was murdered. They are still hanging on/iin, but still just barely. My cousin Alan calls or emails me every week, sometimes more than once. I can tell some difference. He said the other night - "I can't believe I call you with all you are going through with cancer and you are lifting me up". I told him that it wasn't me, but God through me -- Then I asked him if he had read all those books I bought him yet. I bought him all the Lee Strobel's and a new Bible, etc. It was kind of funny. He said he had started one. But he did say they had opened up a new LifeWay near his house, so that next time I'm down he would take me there. :)
6. CT Scan scheduled for Oct. 26th, I think. It will be of the Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis. This is just a regularly scheduled thing right now. Every other month scans for the first few years, especially with new things popping up.
7. Another Lumbar Puncture will be done on Nov. 1 - just to double check the spinal fluid again to make sure there are no cells in the spinal fluid. And I'm with the doctor on this one, better safe than sorry. He said, she did great with the first one - like I just loved it or something. I don't know that I would say that, but it wasn't that bad.
6. Last, but not least, This is a prayer, praise, and WoW! - I love Goobers (the chocolate covered peanuts) that you can only usually find at the movies. They have just the right amount of chocolate to the peanut. Others have too much chocolate or not enough peanut, etc. It is Goobers or nothing. Then finally I found this little shop in West Knoxville named Bradley's Chocolates - and they have the perfect chocolate covered peanuts - even better than Goobers because the chocolate is better, but they have to be a special treat - only once in a while.But this past Friday, after my treatments, I needed to go pick up the Race t-shirts and just so happens Bradley's chocolates are very or kind of near the t-shirt place - well, the place we ate lunch is. Anyway, after eating lunch, we go to Bradley's and they also have the cutest little nick-nacks in there too - cutest!! But, my "word" since I've been back with the brain tumor, has been "BELIEVE". I have this word all over my house. I bought these wood block letters to spell out believe and spray painted them and hung them on my wall. Well, I was walking around the store before purchasing my chocolates and found this little ceramic cream colored cross with a silver inlay in the middle with the word "believe". You could put it in a pouch and carry it with you wherever you go. It also had the verse with it: "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." John 20:29
I couldn't believe it. I found my word in my favorite place. I found my "positive" for the day. You have to look for a positive each day. Some days are harder than others, that's for sure, but they are there. But that was a great positive for me.
Thanks for listening/reading again
Especially thank you all for your support, prayers, encouragement, everything
I love you all
Kim Possible Signing Off for now
"With God All Things Are Possible" Matt. 19:26

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Hey Kimmie,
It's so great to hear from you. There are many of us across "the pond" who are praying for you and lifting your needs before the Father! Know that we love you and we will BELIEVE right alongside of you...for God is good and faithful and true.
Love, Marriane
Hi Kim,
You looked beautiful at the race. I was so proud of you and all the courage and strength that you show. Your interview with the channel 10 guy was amazing. I hope that I get home from work on Monday in time to watch it. I pray for you every day and we love you.
Lisa, Joey, Mariann, and Andrew McCoy
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