Well, I went to the doctor today and I am starting on a new chemo. It is one that you take by mouth. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night for 2 weeks and then I'll be off a week and then start it all over again. He said we would probably do that for a couple of months and then do scans again. Yea! Scans. I just love them. But, oh well, they keep an eye on whatever is up there or might be new, so that is good. Maybe it will show nothing is up there!
Continue to pray for my mood. I have been scrapbooking more and working on my books -and that is helping. But everytime I go to the doctor, it just seems to get me down again. My Bible reading and studying is not doing good either. Some days I don't feel like doing anything. But other days, I'm just fine, so I know people are praying and that God is here helping me. I just need to listen to my verses more that I wrote about last time. I just need to watch Him work.
I hope you all liked Delilia.
Love and Thanks!!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Meet Delilia
I was just noticing after reading my blog before my last one, that I did not report on the results of my scans. So, I wanted to do that.The brain scan showed that the same lesions were there. They had not gotten any bigger, nor any smaller. They said one might have gotten smaller.The scan of my spine showed basically the same thing. That the same lesions are there; no bigger; no smaller. My doctor's feel good about them. They feel they are keeping a good watch on them and they are glad they are not growing. I was excited too, but I would rather they be altogether gone - not there at all. So, pray God will take them away altogether.
Okay, I think that was all I wanted to add.
~ Oh, I did want to add a picture or two of me - or rather Delilia - (my wig's name)
Joy, Jill and Delilia

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Taylor and Delilia

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Okay, I think that was all I wanted to add.
~ Oh, I did want to add a picture or two of me - or rather Delilia - (my wig's name)
Joy, Jill and Delilia

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Taylor and Delilia

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Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hey Everybody!
It has been a while since I wrote, but I haven't felt well and had to go to the doctor a lot. But I am doing better now. I have to go back to the doctor on this Wednesday, February 7th. I get to find out if I can start some new chemo! Yeah! I'm so excited! Whatever. I am glad, at least there is something they can give me. Years ago they did not have anything they could give me and there was nothing else they could give me. So, PTL for research - for those who give to Breast Cancer Research Organizations, like Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure -- Plus other research organizations for other kinds of cancers.
I wasn't feeling well, because I wasn't eating. I was losing weight and everyone was freaking out. My doctors were trying to figure out why and we finally figured out that it was just the radiation finally getting out of my body. It was just taking a longer time, because I had had so much radiation for such a long period of time, it just took longer to go through my system. I've lost weight, but all it is is the steriod weight. I had to take so many steriods, that I gained quite a bit of weight (not telling how much :)) Anyway, so now I'm just down to my normal weight, like I was 2 years ago, before steriods. Have you ever had a doctor to tell you not to lose anymore weight? That was a weird statement to hear. I still have a problem with my left leg. There is still a small lesion on my spine that irritates it and makes me wobbly when I walk. So, for a while I had to live with my Dad and step-mom and then stay with my Mom and step-dad. Finally, this last time I got my doctor to agree that I could stay by myself. It is hard enough not having a car, let a lone not living in my own house. So thank goodness, I'm back home. This could change at anytime if the lesions increase in number or get larger. So, pray they don't or pray they go away all together. "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14 and "God fights for us in the unseen.We don't know why it takes so long sometimes, but we can trust His faithfulness."
I wanted to update you all on my friend Tracey too ~ that I have talked about before. She is the girl I met when I first came back after being diagnosed with breast cancer. She had colon cancer and a 3 year old little boy. We finished all our treatments (chemotherapy and radiation and surgery) at the same time. It was really cool. She is a believer and so is her family. Our families are very similar. She and I are both the youngest and have sisters who are 10 and 12 years older than we are. It is really odd the similiarities. A few months after I returned, she had a recurrance of her cancer as well. So, we had to go through chemo again together and face this again. But the Lord has been so good to send us each other. That way we can have another Christian to go through this with and talk with and understand what the other is feeling.
She had surgery before Christmas and everything went great. They found a little more and had to do a little more surgery, but she did great. So, right now, she is considered cancer free. Praise the Lord!
My Father had a scare recently. His foot was hurting and he told his wife he thought he should go to the hospital -- that was a bad sign in itself. My Dad never thinks anything is wrong with him. But, he did stop on the way and get something to eat - sat down and ate! They got to the hospital and found out he had a blood clot in his foot. They tried for 4 or 5 hours, but could not clear it. They left him in ICU over night and tried for 2 more hours the next day and finally got it out. The doctor told him that if he had not come in when he did, they would have had to cut his foot off because it was that blocked. His foot was white and cold. They couldn't believe he had waited as long as he did. But, PTL, he is fine and still has his foot. I kind of take after my Dad when it comes to being stubborn ~ my doctors have found that out. :) But, he's still going; working 5 to 6 days a week, at 76 years old.
Prayer Requests:
1. my doctor's visit on Wednesday, Feb. 7th
2. that I will continue to be able to stay in my house by myself.
3. that maybe one day soon, I might be able to drive again - God still performs miracles!
4. my neice Heather is pregnant again. This is # 3. She already has 2 girls.
5. My biggest prayer request is for patients and the ability to endure without understanding: It's hard to understand what is going on in my life right now. I prepare for one career for years and now that's not happening; at least not right now or the way I want or thought it would. I know it could happen somewhere else; and already has here in the chemo room and radiation - so that's good. I know God's plan is best - yet it is hard to understand - but we don't have to; we are to follow and just obey.
" . . .(Love) bears all things, believes, hopes all things, and endures all things. . . "
1 Corinithians 13:7
The story of Jehosphephat in 2 Chronicles has been something I have been reading lately. Verses like it keep showing up in other things I read as well. I feel God is teaching me about waiting by using these verses. I love these verses and try to remember them daily. Maybe they will help you too.
* "Prayer is the discipline by which God gives us the ability to wait. To persevere. To dream again. And to trust." (taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas)
* "Prayer is the means by which we continually place ourselves into the arms of God. When you meet a man/woman who is full of joy and confidence no matter what his/her circumstances, you have most likely encountered a man/woman of prayer. ( taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas)
* "Whatever battle you face this day, it cannot have you. You belong to God. After you have done everything you can do, then stand and wait to see the glory of the Lord.Wait on the Lord. Until it's your turn, I want you to become aware of God's intimate presence in your waiting. He is not far away. He is here. Holding you." (taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas).
* ". . . You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, . . . " 2 Chronicles 20:17
Thank you all again for your prayers and encouragement. I will let you know what the doctor says and will try to keep the blog updated sooner.
Remember the LORD fights your battles for you ~ you just stand there and watch Him. (I love that)
KIM :)
I wasn't feeling well, because I wasn't eating. I was losing weight and everyone was freaking out. My doctors were trying to figure out why and we finally figured out that it was just the radiation finally getting out of my body. It was just taking a longer time, because I had had so much radiation for such a long period of time, it just took longer to go through my system. I've lost weight, but all it is is the steriod weight. I had to take so many steriods, that I gained quite a bit of weight (not telling how much :)) Anyway, so now I'm just down to my normal weight, like I was 2 years ago, before steriods. Have you ever had a doctor to tell you not to lose anymore weight? That was a weird statement to hear. I still have a problem with my left leg. There is still a small lesion on my spine that irritates it and makes me wobbly when I walk. So, for a while I had to live with my Dad and step-mom and then stay with my Mom and step-dad. Finally, this last time I got my doctor to agree that I could stay by myself. It is hard enough not having a car, let a lone not living in my own house. So thank goodness, I'm back home. This could change at anytime if the lesions increase in number or get larger. So, pray they don't or pray they go away all together. "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:14 and "God fights for us in the unseen.We don't know why it takes so long sometimes, but we can trust His faithfulness."
I wanted to update you all on my friend Tracey too ~ that I have talked about before. She is the girl I met when I first came back after being diagnosed with breast cancer. She had colon cancer and a 3 year old little boy. We finished all our treatments (chemotherapy and radiation and surgery) at the same time. It was really cool. She is a believer and so is her family. Our families are very similar. She and I are both the youngest and have sisters who are 10 and 12 years older than we are. It is really odd the similiarities. A few months after I returned, she had a recurrance of her cancer as well. So, we had to go through chemo again together and face this again. But the Lord has been so good to send us each other. That way we can have another Christian to go through this with and talk with and understand what the other is feeling.
She had surgery before Christmas and everything went great. They found a little more and had to do a little more surgery, but she did great. So, right now, she is considered cancer free. Praise the Lord!
My Father had a scare recently. His foot was hurting and he told his wife he thought he should go to the hospital -- that was a bad sign in itself. My Dad never thinks anything is wrong with him. But, he did stop on the way and get something to eat - sat down and ate! They got to the hospital and found out he had a blood clot in his foot. They tried for 4 or 5 hours, but could not clear it. They left him in ICU over night and tried for 2 more hours the next day and finally got it out. The doctor told him that if he had not come in when he did, they would have had to cut his foot off because it was that blocked. His foot was white and cold. They couldn't believe he had waited as long as he did. But, PTL, he is fine and still has his foot. I kind of take after my Dad when it comes to being stubborn ~ my doctors have found that out. :) But, he's still going; working 5 to 6 days a week, at 76 years old.
Prayer Requests:
1. my doctor's visit on Wednesday, Feb. 7th
2. that I will continue to be able to stay in my house by myself.
3. that maybe one day soon, I might be able to drive again - God still performs miracles!
4. my neice Heather is pregnant again. This is # 3. She already has 2 girls.
5. My biggest prayer request is for patients and the ability to endure without understanding: It's hard to understand what is going on in my life right now. I prepare for one career for years and now that's not happening; at least not right now or the way I want or thought it would. I know it could happen somewhere else; and already has here in the chemo room and radiation - so that's good. I know God's plan is best - yet it is hard to understand - but we don't have to; we are to follow and just obey.
" . . .(Love) bears all things, believes, hopes all things, and endures all things. . . "
1 Corinithians 13:7
The story of Jehosphephat in 2 Chronicles has been something I have been reading lately. Verses like it keep showing up in other things I read as well. I feel God is teaching me about waiting by using these verses. I love these verses and try to remember them daily. Maybe they will help you too.
* "Prayer is the discipline by which God gives us the ability to wait. To persevere. To dream again. And to trust." (taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas)
* "Prayer is the means by which we continually place ourselves into the arms of God. When you meet a man/woman who is full of joy and confidence no matter what his/her circumstances, you have most likely encountered a man/woman of prayer. ( taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas)
* "Whatever battle you face this day, it cannot have you. You belong to God. After you have done everything you can do, then stand and wait to see the glory of the Lord.Wait on the Lord. Until it's your turn, I want you to become aware of God's intimate presence in your waiting. He is not far away. He is here. Holding you." (taken from the book When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas).
* ". . . You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, . . . " 2 Chronicles 20:17
Thank you all again for your prayers and encouragement. I will let you know what the doctor says and will try to keep the blog updated sooner.
Remember the LORD fights your battles for you ~ you just stand there and watch Him. (I love that)
KIM :)
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