I was just noticing after reading my blog before my last one, that I did not report on the results of my scans. So, I wanted to do that.The brain scan showed that the same lesions were there. They had not gotten any bigger, nor any smaller. They said one might have gotten smaller.The scan of my spine showed basically the same thing. That the same lesions are there; no bigger; no smaller. My doctor's feel good about them. They feel they are keeping a good watch on them and they are glad they are not growing. I was excited too, but I would rather they be altogether gone - not there at all. So, pray God will take them away altogether.
Okay, I think that was all I wanted to add.
~ Oh, I did want to add a picture or two of me - or rather Delilia - (my wig's name)
Joy, Jill and Delilia

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Hey Kim,
You look great with Delia. I am glad to hear that none of your lesions have gotten any bigger and one is actually smaller. We continue to pray for you all of the time. I will pray that God will take all of them away permenantly. Thank you for keeping us updated on your blog. We think of you so often. I also ask Sara about you almost every Sunday. I teach in the baby room at church right across the hall from her little two year old class. Keep us posted. Love you bunches.
Lisa and Joe McCoy
Hi Kim, I want you to know that I pray for you all the time. Your sister Pam works for me in Cookeville, and she keeps me posted. I just thought I would check out your journal this morning. Proverbs 3: 5-6
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